in the spiritual tradition i grew up in, we had a common practice of "raising our hand to the square" to signify our agreement from the congregation. We also learned of using the same sign to stand in strength of spirit when or if the need ever arose to call on the support and strength of unseen guidance and protection.
In the classroom we did the same to vote for a common goal, or elect someone to office--and we held our hand to our heart to pledge allegiance. I watched many of our olympians this year choose not to raise hand to heart--was that a conscious thing? I wonder how one can strive for excellence in such a powerful way and not feel overwhelming gratitude and allegiance to a way of being from a country that allowed, encouraged, honored that pursuit? How is it possible not to be aware of how clearly the physical signs and symbols we revere and honor support us on our own path?
i suppose i should ask that question only for myself, and so i rephrase...
i ask that my eyes and spirit be constantly awakened and enriched by the signs and symbols whose deeper meaning always guide my path?
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
Antoine De Saint Exupery
this quote has appeared from all directions for me recently--and i was shocked to find it emerge in the mandala i have been pouring onto the page below. i have been on a journey with a circle of friends--examining my own vows of conscious living. without having any clue what it was my innards wanted to make outer, i drew this mandala while meditating on my own purity of heart, and while the art part of it lept in light out from the surface of the paper, the clarity of this symbol only now has begun to ring so clear for my own path. This palm is raised to the square, baring heart fully in a mudra of pure love.
"cultivating purity of must have a desire to see with transparent eyes, to have no judgement about, desires for, or emotional aversions. Purity of heart reveals a maskless self, and tremendous personal awareness"
Deborah Jones
As the color, emotion and energy flow into the light of this circle, the heart appears deep within the iris of this eye--the eye which sees through the heart, does not need nor desire the masks the physical eye relays, but gratefully acknowledges the deep beauty only visible from the stand of heart wide open.
It is from this place that i choose to witness my own self and my tribe, of which you all are a part.